Rebekka Nickols
Director of Digital Marketing
With over 20 years of experience, Rebekka has made a successful career out of helping drive growth for clients in the marketing landscape. With a strong understanding of current market trends, she leverages her expertise to create and implement effective strategies across both traditional and digital marketing channels.
Joining JCD Consulting in 2023, Rebekka works with public relations and political clients on all their digital needs. Her past work includes running successful campaigns in broadcast tv/radio, print, and digital media. She holds certifications from Google Adwords and Google Project Management, and is a certified ad manager with Meta.
Rebekka has worked in several diverse industries including higher education, law, non-profit and healthcare. A native of Saline County, she enjoys spending time at the lake with her family. She has two children, Amelia, 18 and Cohen, 10.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.